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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

At each succeeding session of the legislatures of some of the states a class of physicians renew their efforts to secure legislation, the ostensible purpose of which is to protect the people against fraud and imposition at the hands of quacks and charlatans. This purpose is entirely laudable.

The first gun announcing the building of Christian Science churches, Anno Domini 1898, was fired at Brooklyn on Sunday, January 9. We publish a full account of the interesting occasion in this issue.

A Case recently arose in Philadelphia which is of greater interest, perhaps, to Christian Scientists because of its peculiar character, the importance of the principle involved, and the fact that it has had a widespread notice at the hands of the press of the country, than because of any practical bearing it has upon Christian Scientists or their work. The case is this: Some months ago an application for a charter was made by First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Philadelphia, to the Court of Common Pleas No.

Matter of special interest to all Scientists will be found in Publisher's Department every month.


The Christian Science Hymnal has been revised with a view to eliminate the difficulties which many users of the book have found in connecting the proper words or syllables of hymns with their corresponding notes, under the former arrangement. To accomplish this purpose it was decided to publish the book with syllables and words beneath the notes to which they are to be sung.

Apropos of churches and church building, we deem it our duty to preserve among our archives, as a matter of history, the very kindly and broad-toned editorial comments upon the Chicago Church. These are the more fully appreciated because of the fact that heretofore our movement has called forth but little editorial notice of a friendly nature, while, with only an occasional exception, the editorials of the religious denominational press have been of anything but a friendly character, and sometimes bitterly adverse These are notable evidences of the fact that, in this age, as of yore, the true Gospel of Peace and Good-will, comes not through the established ecclesiastical channels, but through the outside and so-called secular sources.

Beginning with the January issue of the Journal, Church and Dispensary Cards will be printed in a double column page, as the personal cards are now printed. The annual charge for these cards will be as follows:— For the first line.

It has been well said that Christian Scientists regard the present as an era of church building. The rapidity with which church edifices are being erected, or if not erected, purchased and refitted to the uses of Christian Science worship, is matter of astonishment alike to Christian Scientists and the outside world.


A chronological, geographical and topographical history of the journeys of Jesus and his twelve disciples in Palestine. Founded on the Gospels and the latest surveys in the Holy Land, with correct maps and beautiful illustrations.

Although "a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief," Jesus' coming into this world was a manifestation of joy. His birth was preceded by sayings and conditions joyous in their prophecies.