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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

A frequent charge against Christian Science is that the claim of inspiration for its text-booK, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, and that its author, the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy was divinely appointed to its preparation, is preposterous.

On behalf of the treasurer of the Mother Church, we take occasion to remind the members of the following resolution passed by the Church Committee on July 25, 1893. "That every member of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.

THE taking of drugs and medicines to cure sickness seems a harmless thing. If it is right it should be harmless.


The following is an editorial in a recent issue of the Cedar Rapids Commercial , a daily newspaper, published in Cedar Rapids. Iowa.

On behalf of the treasurer of the Mother Church, we take occasion to remind the members of the following resolution passed by the Church Committee on July 25, 1893. "That every member of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.

The Communion Services of July 7th in the Mother Church were admitted by all to be unusually uplifting and helpful. There were two hundred and forty-seven new members admitted, making the total present membership, 5,391.

We are glad to receive expressions and testimonials concerning the New Order of services. While no Christian Scientist questions the wisdom of its ordination, believing it to have been divinely imparted, yet it is gratifying to hear from the different parts of the field as to its practical effects.

A proximate result of Christianly Scientific living must of necessity be a better, higher, and purer humanhood. Unless this be true, we misread the Bible, and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, as well as all the writings and admonitions of our Teacher and Leader.

We request that those who send us newspaper clippings accompany them with the name of the newspaper. Unless they do we cannot make use of them.

On behalf of the treasurer of the Mother Church, we take occasion to remind the members of the following resolution passed by the Church Committee on July 25, 1893. "That every member of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.