Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.
Isn't it fascinating to watch large planes take off? It's truly amazing to me that an enormous aircraft, filled with passengers and cargo, weighing tons, can soar to great heights. Yet, as incredible as it appears, we know that airplane flight isn't contrary to law—indeed, it's in accord with law, the laws of aerodynamics.
Christian Science and the senses are at war. It is a revolutionary struggle.
The Old Testament recounts that after Jacob was reconciled to his brother Esau, he fulfilled his vow to return to Bethel and to build an altar unto God. See Gen.
They were affectionate, fluffy, and usually white—those sheep of ancient Palestine. Their wool made fine-woven cloth that was warm and beautiful.
You can't change the law of spiritual reality—the allness and supremacy of God, good, and the absolute goodness of God's spiritual idea, man. Neither can anyone else.
Over the centuries, people have dreamed about a universal language—one that everyone everywhere could speak. If there were such a language, they've thought, you could visit any country in the world and immediately feel at home.
Martin Luther King, Jr. , wrote of the revolutionary civil-rights movement he led as an action fully grounded in love, the pure love, or agape, of the New Testament.
It's one thing to know that man is the spiritual image and likeness of God, who is the divine Principle of reality. It's quite another thing to make a commitment within oneself to live according to this divine standard and to exercise the vigorous self-discipline such a commitment entails.
Most of us are already very busy. "How can I possibly do more?" is a question we usually ask when it looks as though we've reached our limit.
Have you ever seen pictures of the Sinai Peninsula, where the children of Israel journeyed for forty years? The landscape is often stark: barren, arid, and desolate. Moses had urged the Israelites to leave Egypt and their life of bondage and to follow him to Canaan, to the land that God had promised to Abraham and his descendants forever.