Christian Science and the senses are at war. It is a revolutionary struggle.—Mary Baker Eddy Miscellaneous Writings, p. 101 .
To the human mind the theology of Christian Science is, at first, undeniably radical. And some may not readily recognize its essential practicality. Yet, as it is understood, honestly investigated, and practiced in daily life, this Science of Christ transforms human thinking to such a degree that people's entire lives have been completely changed, redeemed. They find deeper purpose, a spiritual rebirth, a new view of their relationship to God. They find healing. This is truly a revolution in the individual's life, and it brings tremendous freedom.
One of the radical points in Christian Science is the conclusion that every limitation in human experience—every pain, sickness, and even sin—is essentially a manifestation of the false belief that there is a power or authority opposed to God, good. Such discords would also suggest that man is less than God's perfect image. The demonstration of Christian healing and regeneration, however, proves that such evidence is always fundamentally an illusion, even though it may appear solid and tangible—even though it may feel conclusively real.