What is needed to build a strong economy? Leaders in government and industry are working hard to find answers to this question. We can support their efforts through scientific, healing prayer—the most effective means of solving life's problems. "Thought imbued with purity, Truth, and Love, instructed in the Science of metaphysical healing, is the most potent and desirable remedial agent on the earth," Miscellaneous Writings, p. 4. writes Mary Baker Eddy
When economists speak of factors that affect the economy, they often refer to consumer confidence. To be willing to spend, people usually need to feel secure about their government and about their employment. Conversely, when people are afraid for their job security and have no confidence in their elected officials, they stop spending, and this slows down the economy So confidence is a necessary ingredient to economic growth.
But our confidence has to be based on something more than job security and a paycheck. In Christian Science, we learn to base our confidence on God's unchanging love, on His ability to hold all creation in right relation to Himself and to supply His offspring, man, with all good.