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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Why should anybody go to church?

My friend faces a dilemma every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. Should he go to church—or to Newbury Street? Now, Newbury Street is a charming, one-of-a-kind street that many people think is the heartbeat of Boston's Back Bay.

On immortality

Many people speak rather casually about immortality, as though the word rolled off the tongue as easily as an order for tomato soup. It goes without question that philosophers have long mused upon the subject.

Prayer that is heard and answered

I recall an instance, during my sophomore year in high school, when I became frustrated because I didn't think God had responded to my prayer. It was shortly after some friends had asked me if I wanted to attend a football game and I had to decline the invitation because I had no money at the time.

How divine Love meets the human need

God is divine Love; and this Love is all-embracing, always present, consistently providing for its vast creation, including man. This basic truth remains fundamental to the teaching and practice of Christian Science, which demonstrates that Love's creation is, as a verse in the Christian Science Hymnal rejoices, "cared for, watched over, beloved and protected.

Don't just rise to the occasion. Rise above it!

"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. " Rom.

Do you feel God's love?

A friend of mine was raised in a family of six children. But she said she never felt, while she was growing up, that her mother was too busy to take a keen interest in her life or to help her find a solution to a problem.

Satisfying the heart's longing for something better

A new year, like the next chapter of a story, isn't supposed to be more of the same. There's an expectancy, or at least a hope, that the days ahead will somehow be different; that they'll actually be better.

The branch church: focus on healing

A student of Christian Science from Australia has written to say that each week she drives to meet a friend on a mountain between their two villages so that they can read the Bible Lesson together. Sitting outside or in one of their cars, they share the inspiration and understanding that have come to them during that week's study and practice.

This year has marked the centennial of The First Church of Christ, Scientist. The Manual of The Mother Church includes this record: "On the twenty-third day of September, 1892, at the request of Rev.

Leaving the old, welcoming the new

She told her family she didn't want to be there; the new house and new community were just not the same as the old ones. It was clear from the girl's comments that change, even when it's progressive, isn't always what we expect.