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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

The Recent Festival

A musical festival was held at the residence of Mrs. M.

Old Theology and New Science

Seeking information on the metaphysical science of Mind Healing, a reporter for the Inter-Ocean of August 1st, tells us how he stumbled on E. J.

Necessity of a Journal

Christian Science has two great textbooks, the Bible and Science and Health. These will never be worn out.

Mrs. Eddy's Picture

Mrs. Eddy has finally yielded to the wishes of her friends, to have her vignette placed in the front of her great book on Science and Health.

Conservatory of Music

Our Manager had recently occasion to visit the New England Conservatory of Music, and reports of its great prosperity and magnificent proportions, with 2600 students. We trust it will long flourish, and enjoy the services of its distinguished Principal, Dr.

Christianity Not a Sect

A contemporary editor repudiates Christian Science on the ground that "Christian is sectarian and local. " But this same editor seems to make capital out of his quondam standing as a Christian minister in the Methodist Church, which now grants his meetings a place within its walls.


The same journal endorses an article which stigmatizes as a "craze" our doctrine that evil is nothing (nothing but a false belief); and said editor, in same issue, affirms, that as God is omnipresent, that excludes the possibility of evil.

When did Miracles Cease?

We were asked this question recently, on the assumption that they had ceased in the Church, and are now renewed. That is erroneous.

Expositions, Wise and Otherwise

Mrs. Eddy is a prophetess; and she unfolds, like a seer, her mental visions.

Christianity and Christian Science

It is important to note that there is a great difference between Christianity and Christian Science. We have had Christianity from the beginning.