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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

An Appeal for Workers

Oh ye Christian Scientists! how incomparably great are the divine benefactions which have alighted on you. How happy you are.

Boston's Alleged Gullibility

Boston has been accused of being the hot-bed of isms, and as liable to be carried away by all sorts of false and superficial pretensions. Many facts give a plausible support to these charges, facts which we have no disposition needlessly to repeat.

Garbled Quotation

A Chicago journal on Mental Science healing quotes a speech of a Boston speaker on "Christian Science," omitting all the passages which mention Christian Science; and this speech had been fairly reported in a Spiritualist magazine, whence the garbled excerpts are taken.

Mental Science and Christian Science

" The world will love its own," said Jesus. Mental science may be atheistic.

Inevitable Beneficence

The sunbeams must have free course for their best effect. They may be excluded, and in that case, if carried far enough, cold and darkness and the destruction of all animal and vegetable life ensue.

Comparative Failures in Healing

In spite of Christian Science, some persons remain long unhealed, and some die before the approach of old age. This is a disappointment, and it discloses some imperfection of our scientific action, and a limitation of our power somewhere.

Slow and Rapid Healing

All the recorded healing agency of Christ and his apostles was instantaneous, or nearly so. We only know of one occasion where Christ had to "treat" twice.


The readers of the Christian Science Journal are elsewhere informed of the change which has been made in its management and editorial control. In entering on our new duties we shall rightly be expected to give the salute courteous to our patrons, and thus form with them a sort of initial personal acquaintance.

A Valedictory and Introduction

In retiring from the management of the Journal, I am pleased that Dr. S.

Without rebuke..... holding forth...

Without rebuke.