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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

The Story of Heidi

This book, published by Cupples, Upham & Co. , is translated by Louise Brooks, from the German of Johanna Spyri.

Local Charities

A very valuable Directory of Boston's Beneficent Organizations has been published by Cupples, Upham & Co. It was prepared originally for the Associated Charities, a society which has already done much to prevent fraud and pauperism, but still has a mountainous task before it.

Rev. Joseph Adams

This gentleman has quite an interesting history. He was born in England about fifty years ago, in the very region from which the Washington Family emigrated to Virginia,—Northampton County.

The Tobacco Problem

As one who never has smoked or chewed, the writer of this notice is fully in sympathy with the purpose of a book on this subject, written by Margaret Woods Lawrence (Meta Lander), and published by Cupples, Upham & Co. In it you may find a compendium of the moral and social arguments against the weed.

And we, O Father, standing Thee before, Do lay down at Thy feet, without a sigh, Each after each, our precious things and rare, Our dear heart-jewels and our garlands fair; For well Thou knewest that the flowers would die, And the long-voyaged hoards be found but dust, So took'st them. Thee we trust for incorruptible treasure, Thou art just.

Rev. Wm. I. Gill, A.M.

This gentleman, who was a member of Mrs. Eddy's recent class, has been for nearly twenty years a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and has for the last two years been stationed with one of the churches in Lawrence, Mass.

Last Class at the College

Mrs. Eddy is pleased to consider it unusually bright.

When a young man vainly boasted in...

When a young man vainly boasted in the theatre, and said, "I am wise, for I have conversed with many wise men;" Epictetus made answer, "And I with many rich men, yet I am not rich. " Love that asketh Love again, Finds the barter nought but pain; Love that giveth in full store, Aye receives as much and more.

John Wilson , the present head of the famous University Press, says that Christian Science and the Bible (the California pamphlet just issued from this office) is one of the best punctuated books he ever read.

A Lesson from the Drama

In that startling play called A Parisian Romance, in which Richard Mansfield acts so wonderfully, the played-out Baron drops in a fatal fit of paralysis, while he is proposing a pledge "to Divine Matter, that flows in the veins, sparkles in the champagne, glows in the cheek of beauty. " Not only is the portrayal a terrible rebuke to license, but it represents the very opposite of the views of Christian Science—the lie of Life in matter, or of Divinity in body.