Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.
In its proper place will be found the full Table of Contents, alphabetically arranged, to the Third Volume of this Journal, which ends with this number.
Reviews Science and Health, in an essay first read at the regular Preachers' Meeting in San Francisco, and then published in a religious newspaper there. The Doctor leaves sundry bars down, and is apparently afraid to follow the New Testament to its logical conclusions.
It contains articles of great interest. Phare Pleigh reviews Mind-cure on a Material Basis.
Our pastor gratefully acknowledges the receipt of twenty-five dollars from Mrs. Geo.
Observant readers may notice some changes in the wording of the professional cards in our advertising pages. In the December and January numbers there were some alterations from the advertising form in the earlier numbers.
Bachelor of Christian Science (C. S.
Those who have been disappointed in not earlier receiving copies of Mrs. Eddy's New, Revised, and Enlarged edition of this work, should rejoice in the knowledge that the delay is for the sake of making the book more perfect in every particular.
Attention is called to the increased size of the C. S.
Under the above caption, in the January number, our dear Teacher expressed her gratitude for the gifts her students made her on Christmas. She commences thus: ''One of the most difficult things to express, when genuine, is gratitude.
Communications are promised—so the publisher desires it announced—from Rev. O.