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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


Money Orders and Checks forwarded in payment of subscriptions for, or donations to, the Christian Science Journal , should be made payable to Mrs. S.


In our last issue and under caption of "From Private Letter," some silly bombast about healing appeared, which had better remained private ; if, indeed, such extravagant claims had ever been made by a sane person. Fustian never graced a fact; and the inflated style of imagination is not adapted to descriptions of what actually occur.


Subscribers cannot afford, when the Science of Mind is revolutionizing the opinions of the world in relation to the nature of all human ills, to be without the " Christian Science Journal . " It will strive to keep them enlightened in the true idea, and to expose that which departs from Christianity.


We are pleased to chronicle that the timely insertion of the full-page advertisement of the popular furniture establishment of Keeler & Co. , in our September magazine, sent a goodly number of Journal readers to that emporium for a supply of needed house furnishings.


The enormous sale in our own and foreign countries of the inks manufactured by Carter, Dinsmore & Company, proves the quality of the article, without added comment from the appreciative Journal. Scientists have taken especial pains heretofore to patronize those firms advertising with us, and Carter's Inks will be sure of getting the preference over other makes when we have need to replenish our ink stands; thus proving the wisdom of the manufacturers in calling attention to their merchandise through the columns of the C.


The young journal, Mind in Nature, advertised in our columns the past six months, is gaining steadily in favor with those interested in the psychical subjects to which its pages are devoted. It has not been the custom of the Christian Science Journal in times past to publicly note its exchanges, favorably or otherwise, but that fact has been no argument that they each and all have not been duly appreciated.

Truth Makes Us Free

The article under the above title in the Sept. Christian Science Journal, should have been credited to "M.

Mrs. Eddy.—Will you please inform me...

Somerville, Sept. 16th, 1885.


Upon our many friends far and near we call for financial aid. Before another year passes away we should possess the building site for a church, and considerable funds toward the erection.

Who is there that sets himself to the...

Who is there that sets himself to the task of steadily watching his thoughts for the space of one hour, with the view of preserving his mind in a simple, humble, healthful condition, but will speedily discern in the multiform, self-reflecting, self-admiring emotions, which, like locusts, are ready to "eat up every green thing in his land," a state as much opposed to simplicity and humility, as night is to day? — Kelty. September's skies Are smiling in the earth's Uplifted face; And, far away, the hills And clouds embrace.