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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


Three thousand Journal readers will rejoice at sight of the familiar name of "Chickering" in the exclusive advertising columns of their favorite magazine. To many of us it is reminder of home and friends dearly beloved, whose voices chimed to the full tones of the "best piano in the world," in the days of our youth; to others, it is gratifying confirmation of the soundness of their judgment in considering that their Chickering holds right of way in the musical world, since indorsed by their alma mater; to a still greater number we trust the advertisement will be imperative prompting to purchase that long-needed addition to their homes—a piano.

A Vienna correspondent of the London Times says an important discovery has been made among the manuscripts which Archduke Renier brought from Egypt two years ago. A fragment of the New Testament has been found, comprising a chapter which differs from St.


We are in receipt of the fifty-seventh annual catalogue of the Chauncy-Hall School, containing, also, sketches of part of the school work and of the general management. No educational prospectus yet offered has given so encouraging promise of the practical fulfilment of the end of true school work, as this of "Chauncy-Hall.


Now that classes are in formation for the fall sessions at the Metaphysical College, some of the entrance regulations may be useful to our readers who contemplate making inquiries on these points. A collegiate course in metaphysical healing, Christian Science, includes twelve lectures.


Money Orders and Checks forwarded in payment of subscriptions for, or donations to, the Christian Science Journal, should be made payable to Mus. S.

"The Energizing Power of Truth" was the subject of the President's lecture before the C. S.


The question is often asked, '"Is it true that the interest in Christian Science is gaining ground in the minds of the people?" The great call for the books, the magazine, and our crowded Sunday services are sufficient testimony that it is Our teacher is constantly receiving letters proclaiming the good work that "Science and Health" is accomplishing. The healing and converting in this direction go steadily on.


Boston clergy and medical faculty have learned to give credit to whom credit is due, with commendable readiness, albeit oftener by lapsus linguoe , than bona fide acknowledgment. The parishioner of a certain minister had been given up to die, by his learned M.

N. W. C. T. U.

In a lecture for young women, Frances E. Willard, the temperance worker, tells us that the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union has thirty-eight auxiliary State and nine Territorial Unions, besides that of the District of Columbia, conducted entirely by women, and she calls upon benevolent women all over the land to come into the service of these Unions, both to assist and be assisted.


Dr. E.