A Vienna correspondent of the London Times says an important discovery has been made among the manuscripts which Archduke Renier brought from Egypt two years ago. A fragment of the New Testament has been found, comprising a chapter which differs from St. Matthew and St. Mark more than these evangelists differ from each other. The fragment seems to have been written in the third century A. D. In the description of the last supper the passage in which our Lord predicts his betrayal is quite different from that in the two gospels, and the Words "But after I am risen again I will go before you into Galilee " are wanting. Peter's oath varies also in wording and length. According to Dr. Bickell, of, Innsbruck, the fragment must be the copy of a manuscript older than those from which the accepted versions of St. Matthew and St. Mark have been taken.
It marks a long step forward in the progress of reform that a great International Congress "to combat the abuse of alcoholic drinks," will be held Sept. 11th and 12th, in Antwerp, the capital of Belgium, which has had in times past the reputation of being the most drunken city in the world.