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Questions and Answers

From the September 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This article was later republished in Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896:  Mis. 43:6-44:5, 45:12-20

Ques. "Do all who at present claim to be teaching Christian Science teach it correctly?

Ans. By no means; there never was a science so abused as Christian Science is to-day. This is doubtless owing to false teaching, and those unacquainted with this mighty truth not knowing the barefaced errors they are taught, and the damaging effects they leave on the practice of the learner, on the cause, and the health of the community. The student of this science who understands it best, is the one least likely to pour into the community his primary sense of it, as fully competent to make successful and safe practitioners. The simple sense you gain of this science from reading "Science and Health," is far more advantageous to the sick and the learner than the spurious teachings of those unqualified to teach. The Christian student, having taken the normal course, is prepared to teach profitably the rudiments of this system—nothing more. Those who are trying to undermine others by the basest falsehoods, and thereby doing any amount of injury to the cause in their sinister rivalry, and filling their pockets at the expense of their consciences—are neither practising nor teaching Christian Science.

Ques. "Can an atheist, or a profane man, be cured by metaphysics, or Christian Science?"

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