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From the September 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Under the above caption, I wrote up the results of a long and truthful investigation of the "phenomenon" of Clairvoyance, Mesmerism, Magnetism, etc. I copyrighted the matter in a book of 800 pp., entitled "The Mysteries of Medicines," which was published in several large editions, by Burr & Hyde, Hartford, as the "Funny Side of Physic."

In my researches after the truth, I visited many of the best Clairvoyants, Magnetic healers, etc., in America. I paid for "sittings." I purchased of their mysteries. I "wormed into their secrets," and after two years' study, I summed it up in the above work, with the query "Cui bono?"

And yet there is something here, and what? What is the subtle, unseen power, heretofore appropriated chiefly by the ignorant, by which one person controls another, hence their actions, and sometimes, for the time being, controls a disease?

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