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In Chicago, as in a great many cities...

From the September 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

(From Chicago Sunday Herald.)

In Chicago, as in a great many cities and towns of the Union, can be found those who are practising Christian Science or mental healing. They have graduated regularly from the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, (which has a charter from the state, and can show certificates to that effect). Here, as elsewhere, there are a few qualified teachers, graduates of the normal class of said college. The founder of Christian Science, or mental healing, is Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy, of Boston, a woman revered and honored by her faithful students and by that portion of the people that understand her. To say that this Science is revolutionizing the public mind is true. The people are more than interested. They see that it heals and converts, and are anxious to know more about it. The clergy try its healing power in their own families, and, although they admit its healing, they sometimes deny it Christianity. Its followers are going through something the same experience that other churches have had, but the scourging will only make them stand firmer in Christ.

Every good, however, has its counterfeits in evil, and many are calling themselves Christian Scientists or Metaphysicians who are working in error knowingly. Mesmerism and teachers of mesmerism are the greatest of evils. That earnest seekers of the understanding of truth should be beguiled into further error is more than unfortunate. There are many who have been expelled from the association for misdemeanors, who are travelling over the country advertising their wonderful cures (?) like any mountebank in materia medica, and proclaiming themselves Christian Scientists or mind curers, and asserting themselves fully qualified to teach the principles of Christian healing.

The founder of Christian Science they speak slightingly of, and every possible effort is made to wrest from her her inspiration, "Science and Health." It is strange how many go into this, calling it their own divination, who never thought of such a thing before studying with her, or reading her works. One will take three or four of the last lessons in the course, receiving instructions more in the letter than the spirit of C. S., and then start a magazine or school, appropriating as his, or her own, or giving to one to whom it does not belong, credit of this inspiration of truth.

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