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From the September 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the "elder brother" represents a materialist; although observing the law and the prophets, in the sight of God he was a whited sepulchre full of uncleanness. He could see no other way to worship God except through material forms. His belief of life in matter prevented him from understanding that they who have suffered from an erroneous belief in the pleasures of sense may be fully born again into Spirit and therefore entitled to joy, peace, and power, where the sins of the past are nothing and the ignorance of yesterday is swallowed up in the victories of to-day.

The spirit manifested by the elder brother was error, which to-day shows its hydra head when a new-born idea is invited to the feast of Love and Truth. Do not look back with vain regrets on the follies of the past, but watch and see what you do to-day, what are your thoughts, prayers, aspirations.

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