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High hearts are never long without hearing...

From the September 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

High hearts are never long without hearing some new call, some distant clarion of God, even in their dreams: and soon they are observed to break up the camp of ease, and start on some fresh march of faithful service. And, looking higher still, we find those who never wait till their moral work accumulates, and who reward resolution with no rest; with whom, therefore, the alteration is instantaneous and constant: who do the good only to see the better, and see the better only to achieve it; who are too meek for transport, too faithful for remorse, too earnest for repose; whose worship is action, and whose action ceaseless aspiration.—

We need only obey. There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening we shall hear the right word.—

Truth is only one; its language also is one; and all who walk in this way must say the same things. Take the Scriptures, for instance, we there find the same idea everywhere, the same doctrine, notwithstanding the difference of time and place in which the sacred writers lived.

''Heaven open'd wide
Her ever-during gates, harmonious sound
Of golden hinges moving."

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