Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.
The readers of the Christian Science Journal are elsewhere informed of the change which has been made in its management and editorial control. In entering on our new duties we shall rightly be expected to give the salute courteous to our patrons, and thus form with them a sort of initial personal acquaintance.
In retiring from the management of the Journal, I am pleased that Dr. S.
Without rebuke.
Again , every surgeon sees convincing proof in his daily experience, that the sensitiveness of his various patients varies so widely, that there must be some cause for it beyond that which is physical. There is no such wide diversity in the nerve-tissue of their system as can account for the extreme differences with which they not only manifest pain, but with which they doubtless feel it.
There are three graded schools of Christian Science. Their teachers are:— 1.
In the Traveller, under this title, Mrs. S.
Its whole title is as follows:— Life: its Nature, Origin, Development; and the Psychical related to the Physical. The author believes in human immortality, and in a spiritually personal Ruler, whose light beams even through the clouds.
Paper is cheap in these days, and so is postage. Therefore, oh correspondents! please put your lines further apart, write in a large hand, leave plenty of space between words and sentences, and don't think it needful to crowd all your matter into one or two pages.
The Strawberry Festival at the residence of Mrs. M.
Two Scientists were riding in a steam-car recently. Their conversation turned upon the wonderful power of Truth to quickly destroy beliefs of fever and other diseases.