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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

God and governance

"The government of divine Love is supreme," writes Mrs. Eddy.

Teacher and student...


Man: "infinity's reflection"

To understand our real individuality we need to abandon material standpoints and start with God. It's logical to start there; the Scriptures tell us, "God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him.

Taking politics out of church work

One of the most interesting and perhaps important (to the Christian Church) dialogues in the Bible took place after Jesus opened a discussion with his disciples by asking, "Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?" See Matt. 16:13-18.

The coming year—a marvelous wonder

A new year, unwritten with human history, may induce fear of the unknown, or it may challenge us to write upon the coming twelve months stirring evidence of God's presence and power. Our lives can say the healing Christ was here and illustrate the regeneration and redemption that accompany the discovery and proof of scientific, spiritual truths.

Our new birth

Rebirth may seem as mystifying a demand to many people today as it did when Christ Jesus required it of Nicodemus two thousand years ago See John 3:1-7. The need for rebirth confronts everyone.

Christmas and what the Christ is saying to us

In some areas this time of the year many amateurs joyfully are rehearsing Handel's oratorio Messiah . That today people aren't content to let just the professionals sing this mighty work of praise to God may say something profound about the nature of messiah.

Insightful expectations

The people expected a Saviour. When Christ Jesus was born, many anticipated the Messiah's appearing.

One God, one basis of healing

It is easy to capitalize the numeral one: One. But in divine Science this is more than a stylistic move.

Conquering colds

There is a cure for the common cold. This disease, just as any other, must submit to the power of Christ, Truth.