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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Opening new fields of receptivity

Receptivity to information and truths can be a very appealing concept. (Ask any schoolteacher!) And spiritual receptivity is very appealing—essential, in fact—when it comes to really scaling the heights of truth.

Heaven closer than earth

How did he pray? his disciples must have often wondered. They saw the healing results of Jesus' prayers: a bowed body standing straight, Zacchaeus escaping from a rut of greed and corruption, the bitter life of a prostitute purified, spiritualized, sweetened to a deep and humble love.

The false economy of animal magnetism

What Christian hasn't been inspired by the great escape of Paul and Silas! See Acts 16; They were locked securely in the inner prison when an earthquake, an event supposed to be so frightening, meant to them the beginning of their liberation. And in the midst of this drama a jailer on the verge of committing suicide was, instead, converted to Christianity.

The healing challenge to orthodoxy

How have some of the major breakthroughs in the arts and the natural sciences come about? Someone has challenged the prevailing orthodoxies. Progress often flows from our questioning of accepted views and popular assumptions.

Banning thoughts not our own

With the dawning of divine Science a little over a century ago, profound changes in mankind's perception of God were initiated. The revelation that came to Mrs.

The gentling of the universe

Life that is divine is limitless and unrestricted and is forever unfolding itself. Man is the infinite expression of this Life, forever unlimited and free.

"How big is Truth?"

The very question would strike most people as odd. Not only is Truth—understood in Christian Science as God— immeasurable.

Notes toward understanding The Mother Church

Perhaps no one fully understands the structure that is Church. Many of us have gone through two points of discovery.

Power and authority to heal

Suppose you had been one of Christ Jesus' close disciples. You would have learned to heal.

The truth about space

Space, in simple terms and ordinary language, designates the interval between objects or events. We begin cultivating a quite different sense of space when we grasp that omnipresent Spirit necessarily occupies all space.