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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

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Elisha demonstrated the spiritual fact that true substance is never used up. A widow experienced proof of this truth by way of a pot that continued to pour out oil until she had filled every available vessel.

The underlying forces of Mind

We live in a world of material forces. At least, so it seems.

The star and the scepter

Christmas! A season of joy and the giving and receiving of gifts. But so much more.

Christmas without the anti-Christ

In all history no other individual has equaled Christ Jesus' impact on human consciousness. In three brief years of public ministry he literally changed the course of the world—more so, in fact, than even most Christians realize.

Relating absolute Science to human experience

Christian Science refers to God as absolute Principle, absolute Life. "Principle," Mary Baker Eddy says in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "is absolute.

Walk over the sea

Divine Science, the Comforter promised by Christ Jesus, has come to this age revealing the truth of being—illustrating with concrete evidence that God is supreme good; that man expresses God's perfection. This reality, advanced by the Christ and loved by the individual, transforms consciousness.

There are times in the practice of spiritual healing when two or more Christian Scientists work together in helping another to regain health. One is a Christian Science practitioner, and one—or more, if the patient is requiring round-the-clock care—is a Christian Science nurse.

Taking a radical stand

Christian Science starts with God, rests on God, and stays with God. It reveals the pure reality of all things in such a way that we can prove this reality.

Observers of current trends discern a constantly rising tide of interest in the supernatural. Reputable city bookstores feature shelves full of books on various aspects of occult practice.

Treating a world in ferment

When Christ Jesus' public ministry broke onto the scene twenty centuries ago, human consciousness was stirred to its depths. Some people were deeply moved by his unparalleled healing work.