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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Gathered in Christ's name

We can expect much more good to come of our relationships with each other. Each meeting with another person, or with many others, can be elevated above the merely mortal occasion where human personalities attempt to relate and communicate.

Ethics of healing practice—2

The Christian Science method of healing brings to human sense a growing recognition of divine Love's infinite power and availability to heal and save. To material thought the existence of a restorative spiritual power, unseen to the senses but available to mankind, seems quite incomprehensible.

Intelligence—spiritual and infinite

Mrs. Eddy opened up a new view of reality and individual capability when she began to teach, "Intelligence is omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence" Science and Health , p.

Discern the Bible's spiritual meaning

Who hasn't, at one time or another, puzzled over a Bible verse? Skeptics may puzzle over the book as a whole. Many scholars have poured their lives into the Scriptures in an honest effort to understand and explain their profound implications.

Ethics of healing practice—1

Why ethics? Their observance is indispensable to successful practice of Christian Science healing. Without the ethics of this Science we would lose sight of what it truly is as the restoration of Christ-healing, and of its marvelous power to redeem human lives and to cure the sick.

Church—nourisher of growth . . .



Life is made up of them. In so many ways we're all engaged in different kinds of departures.

The frontiers of Science

In ordinary parlance the words of the title refer to the exciting possibilities of physical science. Here they refer to the even more revolutionary impact of Christian Science in its encounter with the contemporary world.

The metamorphosis of a shadow

"And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. " ( Isaiah 32:2 ) Shadow is a symbol rich in spiritual lessons.

Parting from opponents

Oh, the days—and nights—that my college classmate and I discussed points of religion! (At times, "argued" might have been a better characterization. ) More than once I'd think of a Bible verse that questioned his position.