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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Reverse and heal

The basic premise of Christ Jesus' teaching and of Christian Science is that God, good, is All-in-all and there is no other power, presence, substance, or reality. This idea echoes through the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs.

If the world won't listen

Relatively few people have yet recognized the profound significance of the revelation that came to Mary Baker Eddy. Those who have pondered it a lifetime readily admit they are only beginning to appreciate its magnitude.

Taking the plunge

Christian Science is the springboard, so to speak, to the endless depth of Spirit, infinite God. Our success or otherwise in Science—in grasping and proving it—is very much determined by whether we plunge into the Science of Spirit or are content just to paddle on its shores.

Dear Contributor:

Your manuscript has been carefully reviewed, and for several reasons we feel it is not going to work out for editing .

The Christian way to escape from pain

Most people at some periods in their lives long to escape from pain. In fact, the demand for relief from both chronic and acute physical discomfort is so great that thousands of dolorologists—specialists in the medical treatment of pain—all over the world are continually experimenting in the effort to find reliable remedies.

Spirit, not genes, makes man

"In the year 1866, I discovered the Christ Science or divine laws of Life, Truth, and Love, and named my discovery Christian Science," Science and Health, p. 107; Mary Baker Eddy writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

Life based on Principle

People who base their thoughts, decisions, and actions on divine Principle are safe. Their human lives may not always be easy, because they will be a reproach to others who build on a less solid foundation.

Communication with the departed?

A man was troubled. He was drawn to a spiritualist, and during his visit he believed that an acquaintance, who had died some time before, communicated with him.

The most freeing place to be? Church!

"That's so much 'pie in the sky. ' At church I usually feel very un free.

Breaking up monopolies

God is all-inclusive. The one divine Principle includes all ideas and activities.