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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

When friends need help

Our compassion for people who need help is sometimes so great we feel we would do anything for them. We are willing to sit up all night if necessary, to take endless trouble cooking appetizing meals, running errands, and performing all kinds of personal services.

Stability in a time of flux

Is everything just the same as it used to be? Very few things are, in most communities and societies. Voices tell us, almost as a chorus, that it's an age of ferment.

Animal magnetism is not mysterious

A deeper and clearer recognition of God's nature—a more faithful acceptance of Him—is the key to understanding reality. God is All.

The third option heals

Option 1: There is but one universe and it's material. Option 2: There are two universes, one material and the other spiritual, which often overlap.

The Christian Science standard of healing

Nothing is more vital to successful healing in Christian Science than strict adherence to the standard of healing established by our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy. This standard is clearly set forth by her on page 167 of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, in the following statement: "It is not wise to take a halting and half-way position or to expect to work equally with Spirit and matter, Truth and error.

God knows

There is immense healing in the simple truth that God knows. The only knowing going on in the infinite realm of reality is the knowing done by divine Mind.

Easter's meaning for us all

What does Easter commemorate? Not tragedy but triumph. Not sadness but joy.

At the summit of being, now

The view at the top. We can probably all recall a time when this prospect has kept us struggling up a steep track.

Demonstrating the promise of perfection

Does the Christian precept "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" Matt. 5:48; seem formidable?—a demand that is beyond the capacity of any human being to fulfill? In fact, this injunction from Christ Jesus' Sermon on the Mount is a promise as well as a demand.

Gratitude for the system

The Christian Scientist is grateful not only for the freedom he receives in healing but also for the system of metaphysics that enabled him to understand enough about God to be healed. If our appreciation for the healing system diminishes, so may our ability to practice it.