Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.
When a Christian Science practitioner is called upon for help, the patient does not —at least he should not—expect the practitioner to bring about his entire salvation. The practitioner's treatment may bring the patient a needed character change; it may even cause him to take on a whole new concept of living.
Because the teachings of Christian Science are so absolutely spiritual and radical, the question may arise as to how practical they are—how appealing to common sense. Experience in Christian Science shows that the more spiritually clear and absolute our prayer is, the more practical it is.
Sir Winston Churchill observed, "It has been said that Democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time. " Speech, House of Commons, November 1947; Certainly democracy has proved itself, among human systems of government, to be of enormous support to the development and progress of human liberties.
A glance through Science and Health will show that this book includes many quotations from the Bible. A deeper study of it will reveal that there is hardly a page without some scriptural reference, even though an actual quotation may not be mentioned.
Many of us can remember vividly when we drew back the curtain of matter for the first time. We peered through and wondered at those broad vistas of Spirit, God— no longer obscured—that we glimpsed beyond matter.
Church building is not just a one-time physical undertaking; it is an ongoing spiritual activity. It does not primarily involve collecting money, drawing up plans, and adding brick to brick, or even member to member, though on the surface one will see these things occurring.
All ideas that are genuine and true come directly from God. They are inevitably good.
We can shed material symptoms of ill health through recognizing the spiritual evidence of God's goodness just where those symptoms seem to be manifested. This exchange of false symptoms for true evidence is essentially a mental event.
The temptation some of us may face in dealing with this question is to wonder about church membership figures. But the purpose of this editorial is not to analyze figures.
True being is the eternally perfect, spiritual expression of God, divine Life. Its development is the unfoldment of the ideas of infinite Mind, God.