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New Director of The Mother Church

From the September 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We are pleased to announce the election of Harvey W. Wood, C. S. B., of Evanston, Illinois, effective June 10, as a Director of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts.

Mr. Wood succeeds our beloved colleague and friend, Otto Bertschi, C.S.B., who has retired from the Board of Directors, effective June 10. Mr. Bertschi has served as a Director since May 1972. He was the first Christian Scientist from overseas to serve on the Board. His commitment to Christian Science dates from 1932, when he became a member of The Mother Church. He became a listed practitioner in 1949, an authorized teacher in 1952, and prior to becoming a Director had served as Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland for six years, and a member of the Board of Lectureship for nine years. He is looking forward to further serving our Cause as a teacher and practitioner, and he has our warmest appreciation and good wishes.

Mr. Wood attended Sunday School as a young child in Waco, Texas. His interest in Christian Science deepened while a student at the University of Texas, and he later helped establish the Christian Science Organization at Tulane University in New Orleans. He joined The Mother Church in 1943 and has been a member of Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Evanston, since 1960.

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