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I Kings 17:8-16

From the September 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Why this starving widow?
What qualified her to sustain the prophet?
Could those two sticks
symbolize her simple desire
to cling in her crisis to the two great commandments:
Love God wholly, and
her neighbor as herself?
Maybe her heart intuitively burned for a subtler fire—
the light of absolute Truth and
the warmth of selfless service.
Something unseen set her apart and sustained her.

Can it be that total trust in God's laws is more than
meat or cakes
or even being here tomorrow
or today's guilt over yesterday's sins long since repented?

The miracle wasn't in her kitchen.
It was in her trust,
which even a threat from the last enemy itself had not
caused to fail in its most precious container,
her heart, and
therefore could not fail in the barrel and cruse.

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