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The Five Senses— Put Them Under God's Control

From the September 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

So much in Christian Science healing depends on our being able to see man in the likeness of God—perfect, spiritual, whole. But sometimes sympathy keeps us so preoccupied with the difficulty that it blocks this view and slows recovery. In Christian Science this impeding mental state of would-be kindness is exposed as sympathy with error, and we start correcting it by understanding how it works.

Sympathy that is based on personal sense, not intelligence, is mortal—as mortal as any difficulty we'd like to see healed. Such sympathy makes it hard to see man as spiritual and perfect because, like all materiality, it operates mesmerically through the five physical senses.

When we rehearse a difficulty, investigate the how and why of it, speculate as to its outcome, visualize its dimensions, poke at it frequently in curiosity, and go over and over its complaints, we make it seem very real. Then God's ever-present harmony may seem far away. We've let our imagination push out our sense of God, and the trouble can seem to pull us down faster than we can lift up from it. Christ Jesus said, "Let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil."1

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