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The Organist Prepares

From the September 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As musicians turn humbly from a self indulgent sense of ego to acknowledge the one divine Ego, God, they can draw on limitless resources to impel artistic expression. From God, the source of all harmony and beauty, we reflect every attribute needed for creative work. For the organist in a Church of Christ, Scientist, therefore, progress in musical accomplishment inevitably accompanies growth in spiritual understanding.

As the organist looks to Mind, Principle, God, for inspiration, he or she finds that progress is ever unfolding and that it cannot be interrupted by so-called learning plateaus. Wise human steps will become clear and may include some or all of the following:

—A well-thought-out schedule that sets priorities and spells out intermediate and long-range goals. An important part of such a schedule would be ample periods of diligent and intelligent practice, with time set aside for adding to one's repertoire.

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