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Who— Me? A Practitioner?

From the September 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christ Jesus said to Simon and Andrew, "Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men."
1 He was substantially inviting them to become public practitioners of the healing law of God.

Jesus was ready to expound and exemplify the universal and liberating law of the Father, whose Son he so completely understood himself to be. His mission was not to condemn the world but to save people from sin, sorrow, disease, and death. He was able to bring out the ability to undertake this wonderful work in those disciples who discerned through him what man actually is—the son of God. Their acceptance of this divine call for the willing abandonment of their normal mode of earning a living in favor of a higher order of life bespeaks the attainment of a rare unconcern for material goals.

Of course the transition of thought from a finite base toward the infinite altitudes of scientific Christianity is seldom accomplished in a moment. Mrs. Eddy recognized this. She reminds us: "The first feeble flutterings of mortals Christ-ward are infantile and more or less imperfect. The new-born Christian Scientist must mature, and work out his own salvation."2

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