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Overcoming Personal Adoration

From the September 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

If you were asked today, "What is the source or reason for your happiness?" what would your answer be? Would you instantly reply, "God is the source of my happiness." Or would the name of a loved person come immediately to thought?

In her Miscellaneous Writings Mrs. Eddy states, "A false sense of what constitutes happiness is more disastrous to human progress than all that an enemy or enmity can obtrude upon the mind or engraft upon its purposes and achievements wherewith to obstruct life's joys and enhance its sorrows."1

It is right that we warmly love others as individuals. But depending on them for our happiness can be dangerous if it tends to turn us away from God, to preoccupy us with love of personality rather than love of our divine Principle. If we let it do this, we may unintentionally close our hearts and ears to the opportunity God perpetually gives us to hear the message of the Christ.

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