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Right Reasoning and the Reading Room

From the September 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Haven't you known of Christian Science Reading Rooms that were only slightly active although ideally located? On the other hand, haven't you known of Reading Rooms that were continually active yet located in less promising areas?

How do we account for the apparent contradiction? And how can we improve the service of our Reading Room to our community? Since healing in Christian Science involves right reasoning—reasoning from spiritual, scientific premises—it follows that right reasoning needs to be actively exercised in improving, locating, or relocating our Reading Room. Scientific right reasoning starts from the divine premise of God's, Spirit's, allness and not from any human consideration. Mrs. Eddy says, "For right reasoning there should be but one fact before the thought, namely, spiritual existence."1

What are some of the spiritual truths we might apply to locating our Reading Room? The Reading Room is a human expression of a spiritual activity—the communication of God's Word to His idea, man. God's, Mind's, communication is clear, continuous, inspiring, and ever fresh and new. God is the only Mind; therefore there can be no other mind to come between God and us, to hide, obscure, distort, silence, or misinterpret God's healing message. Because God is omnipresent, His Word is universal, and because He is omnipotent, His Word is enforced by divine law. Our recognition of such spiritual facts gives wings to our thought and direction to our labors.

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