The solution to every human problem lies in attaining the demonstration of that which is spiritually, eternally true. All that is true is immutably good. Truth is God, the divine Principle of creation, and everything that God creates is forever right and good in every detail. There is nothing in all God's universe that is even slightly wrong, needing to be put right; or slightly bad, requiring improvement.
We prove this when we know that every individual object God has created is complete, perfectly formed, harmoniously operative. Each was from the beginning totally without defect and ever remains pure and flawless. Not one is capable of being damaged, deprived, fragmented, displaced, or destroyed. If the human mind at any time presents a picture of disease or any other discord, spiritual integrity demands that we reject this image—that we not believe it—because God's universe is perfect. Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health: "In the Gospel of John, it is declared that all things were made through the Word of God, 'and without Him [the logos, or word] was not anything made that was made.' Everything good or worthy, God made. Whatever is valueless or baneful, He did not make,—hence its unreality."
Science and Health, p. 525;
In the realm of Truth, the kingdom of God, no discord or disease exists. There is no lack of supply, no dissension, no death —no difficulties of any kind. All is harmony. The law of good governs every aspect of man's existence. His health and well-being are assured. His place in God's universe is established, his life is abundantly satisfying in the development of spiritual usefulness and fulfillment.