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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Christian Healing—Quick, Complete, Permanent

"Immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

Our Love for Each Other

At the root of the love Christian Scientists feel toward all mankind is a recognition that God is the one Parent. He is Father-Mother to His entire creation.

Uproot Racist Thoughts Now

Any news watcher knows of racial conflict in varying degrees of intensity in many parts of the world. The situation calls for the remedy of Christian Science.

Conquering Sin

Christian Science approaches the whole problem of sin with fresh insight. It shows what sin is by revealing what it is not.

Attaining the Demonstration of Truth

The solution to every human problem lies in attaining the demonstration of that which is spiritually, eternally true. All that is true is immutably good.

What Christian Science Heals

Before setting out to treat in Christian Science, it's vital to know just what this Science heals. It certainly isn't wrong to say that the Science of Christ heals disease, both functional and organic.

New Director of The Mother Church

We are pleased to announce the election of Harvey W. Wood, C.

To Comfort the Lonely

A solitary figure sitting on a park bench; a gray-haired man or woman huddled in a cold and sparsely furnished room; a forlorn and hungry child crouched by the wayside —these are familiar images of loneliness and despair. They may be the ones that come to our thought when we remember it is a Christian duty to comfort the lonely and afflicted.

Removing the Leading Error

When a Christian Science practitioner is called upon for help, the patient does not —at least he should not—expect the practitioner to bring about his entire salvation. The practitioner's treatment may bring the patient a needed character change; it may even cause him to take on a whole new concept of living.

Why Prayer Is Practical

Because the teachings of Christian Science are so absolutely spiritual and radical, the question may arise as to how practical they are—how appealing to common sense. Experience in Christian Science shows that the more spiritually clear and absolute our prayer is, the more practical it is.