A child grasps his parent's hand, and in an attempt to take his first few steps, moves hesitantly forward. He may sense something of the possibilities of walking, but his efforts are modest when compared with what he will later accomplish. As he grows, his steps will be more firm. He will feel more assurance. As he keeps stride with his parent, he will hold that hand not because of a danger of falling but because it illustrates the bond of love that has developed between them.
In a certain way the child and parent tell us something about our own individual relationship to the one Parent, Father-Mother God. Our beginning footsteps may seem uneven or hesitant as we reach out to God and take hold of His hand. But as we proceed, our steps become more assured. Our growing trust enables us to advance in union with the steps He outlines. And as we truly learn to follow His leadings—as we recognize our full relationship to God, bound in love—we find ourselves walking with Him. We move forward, consciously in accord with His nature.
Herein is man's true purpose. To walk with God. To move in full accord with Spirit. Man's whole being keeps pace with —is never parted from—divine Love. He takes unending and uninterrupted steps of progress.