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Be Free!

From the November 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Citizens of the world, accept the 'glorious liberty of the children of God,' and be free! This is your divine right."1 Let us heed this call of Mrs. Eddy's and see where it leads.

Christian Science explains that this "glorious liberty" is a present fact of being, which becomes apparent to us as we understand our indivisible relationship to God. The belief of a finite life and mind existing in matter, subject to material laws and separate from God, is an illusion—an illusion that claims to restrict our capabilities, cripple our bodies, and bind our thought with fear and frustration. Why not give up these illusions, understand the nature of our true being, and learn of our God-given freedom? Mrs. Eddy tells us, "The time has come for a finite conception of the infinite and of a material body as the seat of Mind to give place to a diviner sense of intelligence and its manifestations,—to the better understanding that Science gives of the Supreme Being, or divine Principle, and idea."2 There is no enslaving belief that will not yield to this spiritual understanding of true being.

Actually, the oneness of Principle and its idea constitutes all that really exists. It includes your conscious being and mine right now. Paul says it this way: "In him we live, and move, and have our being."3 All true being, as the expression of the Supreme Being, must be infinite—boundless. It must be purely spiritual, never restricted or constricted by matter. There can be no destructive or destructible element in spiritual being. Therefore it is eternal.

1 Science and Health, p. 227;
2 ibid., p. 285;

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