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Why Not Let Go of the Old?

From the November 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Most of us don't want to hang on to suffering and unhappiness, and Christian Science shows us we don't have to. We can drop them for a new and inspired view of man as God created him—whole and sound, free and joyful, spiritual and intact.

Such a view brings healing. It transforms our lives. It restores to us the good that is rightfully ours. This is the promise of the Christ, which Jesus exemplified for all mankind. "If any man be in Christ," the Bible tells us, "he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."1

Most of us are eager to accept the healing Christ when we're sick and miserable —even if doing this means letting go of old ways of thinking we've become accustomed to over the years, such as viewing man as a vulnerable mortal. But are we just as receptive to new ways of thinking and doing when we're reasonably happy with our lot? Or are there some old viewpoints we have become rather enamored with and don't want to give up?

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