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Supporting the Services

From the November 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Supporting the services in a Church of Christ, Scientist, ensures individual spiritual growth. As we support them, we gain greater inspiration. We attain a better understanding of God and man. Truth is more real to us and the nothingness of error is clearer. Not only do we advance our own progress but we help to improve the world in which we live.

Christian Science services bless through their healing, uplifting, and saving influence. They bring out the truth that God is good, that He is All-in-all and includes no evil. They enable us to know Him better as divine Principle, Love. They dethrone matter and point out the way of total salvation through Christ, our Saviour. They unlock the eternal truths of the Scriptures and reveal the spiritual import of Christ Jesus' words and works. And they show how we can follow our Master as present-day disciples, casting out evil and healing the sick.

The services teach us to love. Supporting them, we love more and overcome hate. As we truly embrace the truth we hear and endeavor to live it, we become more unselfish, more compassionate, more considerate. We strive to be honest in business, kind in our relationships, and generous in our desire to help others. As the Word of God so blesses us, it blesses those we come in contact with each day. And so the spiritual influence of the services in our individual lives is felt in the community. As we support each service, our spiritual growth in the expression of divine Love helps to lessen evil in the world and to bring a little more of heaven, or harmony, to earth.

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