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Why Found a Church?

From the November 1977 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Recently, a small Christian Science Society contacted The Christian Science Board of Directors. Their membership was down to four people; they explained they couldn't raise a great deal of money, but they wanted to build a new church that would cost about forty thousand dollars. Never was there a suggestion that maybe they should disband. Far from it. Theirs was the only Christian Science group in that area, and a better edifice was needed for the community.

Shortly after this an informal group called to ask if they could give a lecture. They didn't have enough regular attendants yet to become either a society or a church, but their town needed to hear a Christian Science lecture, and there was no church to give one.

Both these groups had the vision of what Christian Science can mean once people know about it. They understood that organization is a tremendous help in spreading God's Word and reaching those who are receptive.

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