The truths that heal and spiritually educate us don't come from human reason but from God.
Spiritual facts related to the allness of God and man, His image, do heal and instruct us. The truths of divine revelation come to individuals through spiritual sense. Men 's destructive mortal opinions come from the world of the senses, from lightless human reasoning. And, "The opinions of men cannot be substituted for God's revelation,"Miscellaneous Writings, p. 92; to use Mary Baker Eddy's words.
The opinions of mankind are not necessarily without value, but they are of permanent significance only to the extent they admit real being, the universality of God and His perfection. At best, they may move us in progressive directions. But of themselves they neither cure disease and wrong nor spiritually enlighten. In healing it is God's revelation of His immortal being— not mortal opinion—that must guide us.