As bells ring out their Christmas message of "on earth peace, good will toward men," Luke 2:14; millions will remember and in their own way pay homage to a man born nearly two thousand years ago in Bethlehem.
Many will read again the familiar story of his mother, Mary, taking shelter in a stable "because there was no room for them in the inn." v. 7; They will dwell affectionately on the thought of the newborn babe, though cradled in a manger, being revered by wise men as the sign of the coming of the Saviour of the world, the Messiah or Christ, the Son of God.
Other people will think less of the traditional Christmas story of Jesus as an infant. They will dwell more on the thought of him as a mature man, tirelessly teaching the multitudes and healing the sick. They will remember his message of God's nature as infinite Spirit, divine Love, the creator of the universe and man—a universe that is altogether lovely, governed by the divine law of perfect harmony. And they will recall with wonder and gratitude the gospel accounts of the healings and miraculous events that accompanied the ministry of this man who was, in truth, the Son of God.