On a sabbath day long ago, Christ Jesus gave an insight into the dominion that was so evident in his healing and teaching. He said, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." John 5:17; This is equally applicable to the dominion that is also evident in good reading in Christian Science churches.
The authority that appears in good reading of the Bible and Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy is not vested in the person at the desk. If any Reader were misguided enough to think that it was, that emotional or dramatic effects would heighten it, the authority would be lost. And this loss would be perceptible to the congregation. The authority would be lost because its source is not in person, but in the power of divine Truth.
So, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work" is a perfect statement for a Reader to hold to and work with. Here things are in their right order—divine cause and effect, intelligence and its manifestation, Spirit and its formations. Recognition of this divine activity is the foundation on which the Reader bases his communication of the truths he reads. From this comes his spiritual dominion at the time of reading. Mrs. Eddy's words are a continuing reminder: "The supremacy of Spirit was the foundation on which Jesus built." Science and Health, p. 138;