Letters to the Journal from our readers. Opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of The Christian Science Journal.
Letters & Conversations
Washington, D. C.
Chicago,Ill. , Dec.
Boston, Mass. , Oct.
[Our beloved Leader's interest and influence in the work for international peace is recognized in the following letters. — Editor.
Boston, Mass. , May 10, 1907.
Chicago, 111. , Nov.
Boston, Nov. 8, 1906 To Rev.
To the Editor of The Herald: In the Literary Digest of March 3 there appeared an article entitled "The Protestant Episcopal Church and the Higher Criticism," which contained the following quotation from the Outlook of New York:— "Literalism has been the nurse of every form of eccentric offshoot from Christianity. Mormonism, Dowieism, and even Christian Science are based upon the acceptance of Scriptural statements as verbally inerrant.
San Jose, Cal. , April 25, 1906.
[We are glad to publish the following grateful letter from one who is blind and who has read "Rudimental Divine Science" in the embossed types. In announcing this edition of our Leader's book, we said, "Mrs.