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Letters & Conversations


From the August 1908 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Manchester, England, May 21, 1908.

Beloved Teacher:—I have hesitated to take any of your time, but it seems to me that you will be glad to hear what I can tell you about the status of the Christian Science movement in Great Britain. I had no idea it had taken on such large proportions and was so well known and so largely discussed; moreover, I did not suppose the work was being so favorably presented and maintained by the Christian Scientists as I find to be the case. The characteristic sturdiness and earnestness and stability of the better class of people in these islands serve a very large purpose when these people become Christian Scientists. As a rule they have a high and dignified appreciation of Science itself and of what constitutes legitimate and effective practice. They have accomplished much over here, and the present situation and activity of our Cause are full of great promise.

The lectures are largely attended,—sometimes crowds of people are unable to gain entrance,—and they have received quite as much and as respectful attention from the press as is given them in America. One of the great London religious papers has announced its intention to publish the lecture which I am to give in London to-morrow night, in order that the readers of that paper and the people of that denomination (the Congregational) may have a statement of Christian Science from its advocate rather than from its opponent. The editor has stipulated that I am to speak of certain phases of the subject which he has named, and particularly that I shall tell him "something about Mrs. Eddy."

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