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Testimonies of Healing

About seven years ago Christian Science found me in...

From the August 1908 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About seven years ago Christian Science found me in the bonds of sin and sickness. I, who knew that man was made in the spiritual image and likeness of God, had so stultified my claim to a spiritual birthright by wicked indulgences and grievous sickness that I had become wellnigh callous to my fate as regards the former, and almost without hope concerning the latter. Pleading for help for my physical ailments, I soon began to see the light that illumines the path of truth in Christian Science. One by one the fetters of sin dropped off, and a sense of the consciousness of omnipresent good came to my changed mentality, until now I can best voice all that I know of the truth of the teachings of our dear Leader by saying with the poet, "I'm lost in wonder, love, and praise."

Acute lung trouble and many other ills, also smoking and drinking, have been overcome, some with the aid of a practitioner and others through my own understanding of the allness of God. I have told these glad tidings to some whom I have helped as they were struggling on in a more or less ignorant fashion, and I pray always that my efforts may bear fruitful increase in the ratio expressed in the words of our great Wayshower. I am deeply grateful for having been thus rescued, through the aid of divine Love, from the mists of carnality and sickness; and to our dearly beloved Leader, who struggled, fought, and won, in the battle for the restoration of "pure religion and undefiled," my thankful heart will ever give unceasing praise.

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