Inspirational verse submitted by readers.
Reaching out to our community — to the strangers the minority groups the outsiders— reaching out from our church offering love, let us remember no one is really outside— outside Church outside the kingdom outside God. Since we all live in Him there is no outside.
Accept, accept your true identity. Admit its present radiance—its right to coexistence with the only light, the central sun of Love.
"This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. " Prayer and fasting— That's what Jesus told them when they couldn't cast the devil out.
Is this an instrument to soothe the congregation with timid tremolo and shimmering pianissimo— an instrument to encourage passivity with pleasant but commonplace compositions? Surely this is an instrument designed for great music with its orchestra of voices— an instrument to proclaim God's majesty in sonorous tones. Can we be lethargic when it stirs us to glory— when its multicolored stops now dulcet, now piercing, hint the infinite variety of the music of those morning stars which sang together in the beginning? Can we nestle back in smugness? Are we not rather roused to gratitude and praise? Oh, let the organ's flute-tones soft-pearled reveal the purity of the Word.
It's out there someplace waiting for me— I must go now and find it. Is this the one? So tall, so good to look upon? It's true—I do have my ideals and inner rules.
O these Goliaths! swaggering and bragging as they issue from their fastness. The insolence of them! The hullabaloo created! With all that brassy dazzle on the air— of breastplate, helmet, and drawn sword brandished to defy high heaven—cowing even the hardiest of hosts: even kings and priests above the valley of Elah.
A poet said the world is too much with us. It presses on me in this burdened hour; Whole continents in turmoil, people fleeing— Real people, with hurts and heartaches, hopes and fears — With animals and little babies; families Fleeing to no safety from unknown evil power.
man the effect of God the cause from wells of Mind his knowing draws and knows no thirsting wilderness, but fresh and joyful loves to bless man true to Love by Truth's own laws, unstopped as Life, lives without stress man's will, God's tireless willingness; man gives his all—because Mary Cohn.
Listen, God, what are we going to do? Everything has become so complicated! We need to know You as mightier than every sovereign power, stronger than any nuclear thrust, more abundant than any human dole. Although there are no big wars, giant nations glare at each other behind the battle lines of smaller neighbors.
Like those who were present there in Troas I, too, am "not a little comforted" 1 by what was granted to the young man Eutychus. For fancy dozing off the way he did! Then tumbling, sensationally, from an upper room while Paul—that eloquent mentor of theirs— was pouring out to them before he left all that he must have had to give of counsel and encouragement for the days ahead.