Inspirational verse submitted by readers.
As you and I learn to know Love and its healing power we experience its gentle tranquillity, purity, and grace, where harmony and joy superbly flower. Here, we rest safe in the Christly consciousness of good, where Love reflected by you and me is silently understood.
God knows the one who trusts in Him, the one who hears, the one who sees Him. "The Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.
This sinuous line visible in the stony path is an illusion a deceptive form. This insidious whisper audible in Eden is a dream an elusive talk.
I knelt in prayer—my heart reached out to know what Love was all about. Unselfish —I once thought that's for me, this is the quality that I should be; I'll help to care for those in need and hungry souls I'll gladly feed.
" The time for thinkers has come. Truth, independent of doctrines and time-honored systems, knocks at the portal of humanity.
Inspired prayer—truer thought—proves identity clear and whole, Flawless, unblemished, Godlike, pure, not a wrinkle on the image of Soul. I dwell in Love, my fear-free home, with needs already met; I walk with Truth, and freedom find from limits mortals set.
Millennia or the mailman— the promised or the anticipated.
Though people seem to sit in darkness, oft act as host to doubt and fear, Day, unfoldment of spiritual being, awaits the whole world's opened eyes— its turning to Light. Silhouettes of night dissolve in the soft, warm glow of dawning Life.
Who am I? you ponder. You are the child of God.