Inspirational verse submitted by readers.
More stubborn than his beast Balaam See Numbers 22:21-26 rode a mortal will toward great restriction— matter's promises always run from fat to thin— like water through a funnel. In humble discipline Enoch See Genesis 5:24 walked through Spirit's straight and narrow gate and Mind expanded life infinitely for him like stepping from a tunnel.
I storm the day for things that reaffirm my worth, give ease! But deficient mortal mind and its demanding, drags me down and circumstance or earthly goods cannot appease. Chastened, I sense my real need.
No one's looking. Didn't anybody hear? Boy! And it's such a great idea God has given me.
These walls extend to encompass the world. Words of truth build up around us, and on granite foundations we stand firm— seeing through limitation to the creation of God.
The Reader smiles: the message of the words uplifting thought toward joyous understanding — sought by all who gather here. The Reader smiles: expression from that important post reaching in appropriate ways the host of all who gather here.
They crucified him .
I felt so alone misunderstood justifiably angry .
First mangered within Mary's innocent body Then for the appearing on that winter night the lowliest of dwellings in a little town— with only the gentle beasts in their stall breathing, stirring until the break of a dawn that must have come with no more fanfare than any other dawn for those yawning as they awakened in the inn next door After that and so swiftly in obedience to a command the secret flight into an Egypt from whence ages before the whole great exodus of a tribe had begun now elected to provide refuge for a marked child Until a next instruction equally precise: "Arise, and take the young child and his mother— " only to find themselves (when come within reach of it) suddenly warned against re-entering their own Judea and thus impelled however wearied to proceed still further: to where— among green Galilean hills all the while being prepared for just such an entry— the sunlit growing of a little boy could safely go on Later much later, more than thirty years ahead— with a destiny now unflinchingly to be dared to its full— there would await in a garden that penultimate privacy: the sealed tomb wherein through a dark at its start the darkest earth can have known what came to pass no human tongue no, not one however learned, or skilled or reverentially deployed ever may with words intrude upon O wrought-out victory on behalf of a world! Alone—alone— in a supreme enactment between Father and Son. DORIS PEEL.
There were many good reasons Not to go— Too tired, Too depressed, Too busy— Besides, it's cold and wet outside. Give up, error.
As Naaman dipped, See II Kings 5:1-14. did he lose the stinging nettles of irritation, the withering joints of limited trust, the shackling chains of self-engineered power, the dragging garments of pride? "I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine" Isa.