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Inspirational verse submitted by readers.

Between hurt and redeeming

Days have no number: snow flakes your closed petals' white, yet your heart knows Love doesn't slumber. Somewhere between hurt and redeeming, your bruised stem straightens.

These are Mine

You are the temple of My peace Where power, light, and joy increase. No den of thieves can rob you of The radiant gems of My great love.


O ye dry bones Dance Rejoice Sing! O ye sad tones O ye muffled moans O ye slow drones Leap Applaud Laugh! O ye hard stones O ye dead zones O ye graveyard groans Awake Listen Learn! O ye dry bones Be fed Be clothed Return! DORIS KERNS QUINN.

Love's action

The action of Love moves complacency's hard rocks, turning barriers to trampolines and caves to doorways, with thought changed from materialism's cold focus to love's warm glance. MARTY E.


Does the day seem dark, and the way seem long? Be still, and know. Does there seem to be less of right than wrong? Be still, and know.

Love can handle this one!

Do we "handle evil" by putting a handle on it and carrying it around like an important briefcase? by calling it names 300 times, and then wondering why it still exists? No! Defy! Deny! Renounce! Denounce! Remove! Reprove devil's hollow claims. Don't fear its names! For knowing/seeing/being that which God has caused to be, you'll see evil flee.

Waiting to govern

All-embracing and endearing prayer "It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to pray each day: 'Thy kingdom come;' let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me, and rule out of me all sin; and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them!" —Mary Baker Eddy, Manual of The Mother Church, Article VIII, Section 4. not waiting for the pealing of a bell early or late this is the hour— we need prayer with daily power to quell dark hate.


Singing through this day of God's creating is joy of being. Beam of Love's pure light uplifting me, through seeing, to moments of rebirth of soaring free of earth.

Wednesday evening invitation

When a flame grows, up it goes, rising higher, giving light. So do we, hearts aflame (our gratitude made plain) rise to share.


"Thy will be done. " How comforting that prayer Now that I know the nature of my God, Know to trust the Father's loving care, The gentle Shepherd's leading to all good.